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Master of Engineering Management                    



What is Engineering Management?

Engineering management combines management and leadership tools with engineering and technology methods to improve business systems. Students educated in engineering management have the engineering and quantitative capability to make sound business decisions, and also have the management and leadership skills to successfully implement such decisions.

It should be noted that the U recently created a SIME prefix for Systems, Industrial and Management Engineering.  During a transition period, courses are listed with both the ME EN and SIME prefixes.  The courses are identical in content, learning, grading and ability to satisfy the MEM degree requirements. 

At the University of Utah, our courses combine the flexibility of online teaching with the advantages and direct engagement of traditional teaching. Enjoy the benefit of studying online at your own pace while still engaging with classmates and instructors. This flexible way of teaching improves your overall experience and your ability to retain what you learn.

Interactive learning comes in a variety of ways:

  • Group assignments, where you collaborate via email or a discussion forum to answer a problem set.
  • Contributions to a discussion forum, where you directly respond to previous posts.
  • Peer reviews, where you review and comment on assignments from other students.

Our classes also offer multiple routes to stay connected and get help:

  • Communicate directly with the instructor via email.
  • Participate in and guide online discussions.
  • Attend online office hours in discussion threads or on the phone.
  • Instructors are available in “real” office hours for students on or near campus; for some courses we offer Q&A sessions in a classroom.

Master of Engineering Management

  • Undergraduate 3.0 GPA
  • 1 year of calculus
  • 1 semester of statistics
  • It is recommended to have a computer programming course
  • Preference is given to students from accredited STEM disciplines

If you are taking courses from a different department, then you should check the prerequisite information for that class to make sure that you have the background to succeed. 

Mastering the Prerequisite Material

The following advising notes provide classes where you can gain sufficient mastery of the prerequisite material for the MEM. These graduate classes can also be used to fulfill the MEM course requirements.

  • Individuals meeting the statistics requirement but feeling weak in their statistical knowledge should take either SIME 6060 (ME EN 6183) or SIME 6000 (ME EN 6185) early in their coursework.
  • Individuals that have no computer coding experience or feel weak in this area should take SIME 6000 (ME EN 6185) early in their coursework.
  • Any relevant calculus topics will be covered, when necessary, in their respective courses.

Degree Requirements (Identical for On-campus or Online)

  • Be admitted to the MEM program.
    • Note that an incoming student can count at most 15 credit hours of courses taken which includes transfer credits, toward a degree prior to being admitted to the MEM.
  • Fill out and submit a Program of Study. More information below.
  • Earn a B or better for all 6 core classes, a B- or better for all electives and have a 3.0 or better graduate GPA. More information below.
  • Apply for graduation.
    • Must be done prior to the second week of classes in the semester that you plan to graduate.
  • Schedule and pass the capstone experience.
    • Must be done in the semester that you plan to graduate. Additional information below.

Course Requirements

Core classes (18 hours)

  • Management of Engineers| 3 credits
    • SIME 6500 (ME EN 6190) Engineering Leadership and Management | 3 credits (online)

  • Managing Projects| 3 credits
    • SIME 6530 (ME EN 6180) Engineering Project Management |3 credits (online)
  • Product/Service Development|3 credits
    • SIME 6400 (ME EN 6160) Fundamentals of Systems Engineering|3 credits (online)
    • ME EN 6150 Product Safety Engineering and Engineering Ethics |3 credits (online)
  • Production and Information Systems |3 credits
    • SIME 6450 (ME EN 6182) Design of Production and Service Systems|3 credits (online)
    • SIME 6060 (ME EN 6183) Discrete Event Systems Simulation |3 credits (online)
  • Financial Decision Making |3 credits
    • SIME 6560 (ME EN 6186) Engineering Economic Analysis|3 credits (online)
  • Quantitative Decision Making |3 credits
    • SIME 6050 (ME EN 6184) Operations Research for Systems|3 credits (online)
    • SIME 6000 (ME EN 6185) Data Analytics for Systems Management |3 credits (online)
    • ME EN 6035 Design of Experiments |3 credits (online)

6 hours of additional courses offered by the Price College of Engineering

6 hours of additional graduate credit

Unlike undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees provide substantially more freedom for the students to choose the classes that best suit their career and life goals. The Program of Study is the agreement between the University and the student of the classes that will be taken to satisfy the course requirements for a graduate degree.

The Program of Study has a Supervisory Committee composed of three faculty members. The Supervisory Committee verifies that the courses will meet the degree requirements and approves the Program of Study. The Supervisory Committee also approves any substitutions or changes to the original program and conducts and evaluates the culminating experience. The standard MEM supervisory committee is Advisor: Dr. Todd Easton,, Member 1: Dr. Pedro Huebner, and Member 2: Dr Shad Roundy, Students may also make up their own supervisory committee, but the composition must follow the U’s Graduate School’s policies.

Transfer credit from another institution is approved on the Program of Study. There is a limit of 6 hours transferred from another institution. All transferred courses must be graduate courses with a grade of B or better. Transfer credit can satisfy a core requirement, which is determined by the program director.

Program of Studies submitted during the final semester or two of a student’s program may result in a delayed graduation, and require taking additional courses. All students are encouraged to submit a Program of Study after completing 9 hours and before completing 15 hours.

The capstone experience is intended to assess the student's capability to integrate topics from multiple classes into a cohesive solution. The students should prepare a 20–25 minute presentation of a real-world problem where they can apply the knowledge gained from their courses. The presentation should describe the problem, why it is important to solve, and the avenues the student would pursue to solve it. A successful presentation integrates knowledge from at least three courses on the student's Program of Study. At least one of these three courses must include a course from the Quantitative Decision Making core topic list. The presentation should demonstrate the student's mastery of the individual course material, as well as the synergistic integration of Systems Engineering knowledge.

The capstone experience is a requirement to earn the MEM.  It is viewed similar to a thesis defense and can be failed. Rules for the number of retakes and time between retakes is established by the Graduate School.

See more information and sample capstone experiences (PDF).

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics groups Engineering Managers with Architectural and reports an average salary of about $160,000 mid-career. Furthermore, they estimate that there will be almost 14,000 openings for these jobs each year. Consequently, one can expect the demand for individuals with the MEM degree to be strong and increase over time. 

Students are encouraged to perform a quick search for engineering management positions in their area. If their area is anything like Salt Lake City, numerous potential jobs with excellent salaries will be easily found.

A completed application requires the following:

  • Statement of purpose (1-2 pages)
  • Resume
  • Two recommendation letters
  • Pay fee

apply now

$872 per credit*

This program qualifies for the U of U employee reduced tuition benefit.

*Subject to change without notice

Professor Cristian Clavijo


Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cristian Clavijo, Professor of Engineering Management and Leadership with the University of Utah

UOnline, at the University of Utah is excited to welcome Dr. Cristian Clavijo to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. We had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Clavijo about his experience and his excitement at returning to the University of Utah. His primary focus will be on engineering management and leadership, and he comes to us with a wealth of knowledge, practical experience, and a deep connection to the university that shaped his educational journey.

read more




Last Updated: 3/6/25