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Master of Occupational Health



The online Master of Occupational Health degree provides students the flexibility to pursue world-class training in occupational and environmental health and safety from anywhere and on their own schedule. That dynamic is particularly geared toward professionals who are already employed in occupational safety and health positions and are seeking additional education to advance in their careers. 

Notably, in addition to being housed within the School of Medicine's Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, the online MOH degree program is part of the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH), one of 18 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-sponsored Education and Research centers and an international leader in the field. Among the many perks of being part of the Division of OEH and RMCOEH for students in the online MOH program is that they have the same opportunity as their in-person peers to interact with and receive mentoring from the program's accomplished faculty, many of whom are nationally regarded in their disciplines. 

At the University of Utah, our courses combine the flexibility of online teaching with the advantages and direct engagement of traditional teaching. Enjoy the benefit of studying online at your own pace while still engaging with classmates and instructors. This flexible way of teaching improves your overall experience and your ability to retain what you learn.

Interactive learning comes in a variety of ways:

  • Group assignments, where you collaborate via email or a discussion forum to answer a problem set.
  • Contributions to a discussion forum, where you directly respond to previous posts.
  • Peer reviews, where you review and comment on assignments from other students.

Our classes also offer multiple routes to stay connected and get help:

  • Communicate directly with the instructor via email.
  • Participate in and guide online discussions.
  • Attend online office hours in discussion threads or on the phone.
  • Instructors are available in “real” office hours for students on or near campus; for some courses we offer Q&A sessions in a classroom.

Master of Occupational Health (MOH) with an emphasis on Occupational Safety


Required Course List

Course No.                      Course Name

MEEN 6110                       Introduction to Industrial Safety (3)

OEHS 6370                       Occupational Epidemiology (3)

OHES 6760                       Admin and Management of Health and Safety programs (3)

MEEN 7110                       Systems Safety (3)

OEHS 6000                       Occupational Biostatistics (3)

MGEN 6380                      Mining Emergency Management & Emergency Technologies (3)

OEHS 6750                       Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (3)

MEEN 6100                       Ergonomics (3)

MEEN 6150                       Introduction to Product Safety (3)

OEHS 6810                       Occupational Health Psychology (3)

Total Required Credits: 30


*Subject to change without notice

Graduates who pursue the Occupational Safety emphasis will enter a job market where their skills and expertise are in demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, for instance, anticipates that there will be 14,500 annual job openings through the rest of the decade for professionals with the kind of training that those who complete the degree will have. A 2023 survey conducted by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, meanwhile, indicated that certified safety professionals (CSP) — a designation that graduates commonly earn — with a master’s degree make a median base salary of $125,000. 

Application Requirements for OS emphasis:

  • BA/BS transcripts
  • Three letters of reference
  • Goal/Personal statement not to exceed 500 words
  • Slate Application

The GRE is NOT required for admittance to this degree.

At the University of Utah, our courses combine the flexibility of online teaching with the advantages and direct engagement of traditional teaching. Enjoy the benefit of studying online at your own pace while still engaging with classmates and instructors. This flexible way of teaching improves your overall experience and your ability to retain what you learn.

Interactive learning comes in a variety of ways:

  • Group assignments, where you collaborate via email or a discussion forum to answer a problem set.
  • Contributions to a discussion forum, where you directly respond to previous posts.
  • Peer reviews, where you review and comment on assignments from other students.

Our classes also offer multiple routes to stay connected and get help:

  • Communicate directly with the instructor via email.
  • Participate in and guide online discussions.
  • Attend online office hours in discussion threads or on the phone.
  • Instructors are available in “real” office hours for students on or near campus; for some courses we offer Q&A sessions in a classroom.

Master of Occupational Health (MOH) with an emphasis on Occupational Medicine (OM)


Required Course List

Course No.                      Course Name

OEHS 6370                       Occupational Epidemiology (3)

OEHS 6000                       Occupational Biostatistics (3)

OEHS 6752                       Intro to Industrial & Environmental Toxicology & Physiology (3)

OHES 6760                       Admin and Mgmt of Health and Safety programs (3)

OEHS 6750                       Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (3)

OEHS 6761                       Introduction to Ergonomics (3)

OEHS 6702                       Advanced Topics in Occ & Environmental Health (3)

OEHS 6704                       Clinical & Behavioral Aspects of Preventive Medicine (3)

OEHS 6703                       Clinical & Behavioral Aspects of Injuries & Disease (3)

OEHS 6810                       Occupation Health Psychology (3)

Total Credits Required: 30


*Subject to change without notice

This emphasis is most commonly pursued by physicians who are seeking specialized training in Occupational Medicine. This online degree satisfies the coursework requirements to seek board certification in Occupational Medicine (though not the residency or clinical training requirements). Physicians who specialize in Occupational Medicine are in high demand, with starting salaries generally in the $200,000-$300,000+ range. Occupational Medicine is also ranked among the highest medical specialties in physician job satisfaction and has the lowest measured burnout rate.

Application Requirements for OM emphasis:

  • MD/DO transcripts
  • BA/BS transcripts
  • Three letters of reference
  • Goal/Personal statement not to exceed 500 words
  • Slate Application

The GRE is NOT required for admittance to this degree.

Last Updated: 3/4/25