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Current Main-Campus Students

If I register for online classes as a main-campus student, am I a declared UOnline Program student?

No. Online courses offer flexibility to main campus students to fit online classes into their schedule. These classes fill up quickly, so we recommend registering early. Here are some important differences:
  • Main campus online courses are typically listed as Section 090 or 091 on the schedule of classes. Section 290 courses are reserved for UOnline students, who can only take online classes as part of the UOnline Programs.
  • Taking courses online does not mean you are a part of the UOnline programs. If you wish to declare into a UOnline program, read on for more information about the benefits of doing so and how to switch your status.


How Are UOnline Programs Different?

UOnline Programs differ from traditional on-campus programs in several important ways.

  • Student Status: Any U student can sign up for one or more online classes. UOnline undergraduate program students must be formally declared to a qualifying UOnline undergraduate program for at least one year.
  • Location: Undergraduate UOnline programs are designed to be completed entirely online. UOnline programs students cannot take any classes on campus. Students in a graduate UOnline program may have in-person requirements to meet, such as summer intensives or immersions. They may also have synchronous course requirements.
  • Schedule: UOnline classes follow the standard semester schedule but do not have a set meeting time. Students can view recorded lectures (if available) and complete most class activities at any time of day. Students complete assignments by the due dates indicated in the course syllabus.
  • Resources: UOnline students have access to academic advising, career services, tutoring, the writing center, and online library resources, among others. Because they are not on campus, they cannot access a few resources available through the UCard, such as the student life center, free student admission game days, and the UTA transit passes. 
  • Cost: Main campus students taking an online course pay regular tuition rates. UOnline undergraduate programs have a different  tuition that is the same for Utah residents and non-resident students. Most UOnline graduate programs charge the same tuition as the main campus program.


Should I Change to UOnline?

UOnline programs can be a great choice, but they may not be right for everyone. Consider the following before you decide:

  • Do you still want to take some classes through the main campus? UOnline students cannot register for any main-campus courses. If you want to mix main-campus and online courses, you can register for online sections (section numbers 090, 091, etc.) as a main-campus student. 
  • Is your desired major available as a qualifying UOnline Program? See our list of approved undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Are you ready to learn online? Some people work best on their own schedule, while others like the structure of a set class time to keep them on track. Please review our Online Readiness Assessment to see if online classes are right for you.
  • Are you a freshman? Freshmen cannot start their University experience with UOnline. 
  • Are you using or planning on using the University of Utah employee tuition reduction benefit? UOnline program students are not eligible for the tuition reduction benefit.


If I Want to Be in a UOnline Program, How Do I Make the Switch?

There are two change deadlines per year to switch between main campus and UOnline.  The deadline to change campuses for spring semester is November 15.  The deadline to switch for the fall semester is June 30.  Please note that students can only change their campus twice during their time at the U.

  1. Change your student status to UOnline by talking to the major advisor for the program you wish to pursue. You can find their contact information on the UOnline page for each program. 
  2. Once you have declared as a UOnline Program student, you will only be able to register for UOnline sections (section number 290, 291, etc.) in the class schedule.
  3. Consult the UOnline undergraduate tuition schedule (PDF) to understand the cost differences in switching to a UOnline Program.
  4. If you are receiving financial aid or a scholarship, meet with a Financial Aid counselor to understand how changing might impact your aid.
Last Updated: 9/18/24